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A revolutionary new form of healing

clearing your negative or restrictive

soul memories





How does this 5th-dimensional technology work and where did it come from?

In our electromagnetic field and in our DNA,exist memories and information that trigger behaviours, habits and attitudes, which add to the fluidity or disruption of your life.

This information is carrried in your cells from things your soul has experienced during this lifetime, past life or in your DNA handed down from ancestors experiences of trauma, learning, beliefs, frustration and anger, relationships lived, suffered or burdens, expectations, etc. The presence of these remembrances effects your daily life (without you being aware of it).

They can trigger reactions, fears and health issues.

Pyramidal Memories Transmutatin (or P.M.T.) is a technology chanelled in France in 1994 by naturopath and scientist
Joel Ducatillon. He developed 7 glass encoders and through multiple profound
channellings, filled these glass tubes with codes that enable them to 'vacuum up' soul memories
held in the
DNA and transmute them, cleansing hampering memories,
unhelpful heritage and unnecessary negativity.

The encoders, during a 45 minute (hands off) session, remove the blocks, emotional traumas and karmic knots. Thanks to this 5th dimensional technology that transmutes the cellular memory holding back your progress. After a session you become more clear, lighter and able to take a step back from blocked or painful situations in your life which are the result of past Soul experiences, in your life, your past life or your family line.

During a PMT session your soul itself chooses which memories are the most hampering and need to be released. Right from the first session, many of the old memories enter into a process of self-transmutation. It then takes about 21 days (after the Trasmutation Memories cleaning session) to metabolise these
positive changes into the body.

The goal of PMT is to remember and feel again your true essence, removing and transmuting soul paradigms associated with trauma and suffering. After a few sessions, people's lives change dramatically for the better, because their vibrations are more pure and they are much more in touch with their true, authentic self - their soul as light.

(Joel observeds that this soul cleaning has the following positive influence - 90% on mental and emotional bodies, 80% on the etheric body, 60% on the physical body.



WHAT is P.M.T? (Pyramidal Memories Transmutation )

a P.M.T encoder

This active technique was chanelled some years ago in France by Joel Ducatillon (since which time there are more then 1000 PMT operators worldwide). Joel received a powerful dream, shortly after which he was given the instruction to load 7 small "encoders" (see above picture) with specific 5th dimentional vibrational energy.

These encoders create a field of vibration that allows the release and transmutation of soul memories no longer useful to your development. The operator places 5 of the encoders in specific alignment and measurement around you. As you sit on the chair the operator sits opposite you with the last two encoders and with sacred connection and intention, spins them until an etheric pyramid forms both above and below you. Within this space your soul spontaneously releases unhelpful memories through an etheric diamond hovering above and behind your atlas point. The operator starts methodically to ‘search’ the space around where you are sitting, for those memories manifested in forms that can be called "holographic". As your soul unlocks these memories (which may be held in the DNA from the ancestral line, or may be past-life experiences your soul has undertaken) so you speed up your evolutionary process which (had become heavy and interrupted by repeating patterns of difficult or inharmonious experiences). At the same time this speeds up your process of growth and transformation as a natural consequence of barriers removed. ace your soul spontaneously releases unhelpful memories through an etheric diamond hovering above and behind your atlas point.

The effects of "PMT" quickly become evident in daily life. Your attitude and behaviour begin to change releasing greater clarity, peace, productivity: You recognize when you attract someone who is offering a mirror of your inner work. You rapidly remember how you are a pure energy of love and you increasingly live in the present moment, no longer needing to drag the past in to sabotage it or waste power longing for the future. As you start change you radiate a new light which spreads an enhancement to those around you.

Transmuting memories that hinder us on our journey, we become lighter, vibrate at a higher frequency with greater harmony and ability to live the true life. We start to live in our true power as natural manifestors and we attract experiences that fit our true soul path, not our path of struggle, confusion and pain. We can now, without restriction or confusion, live the life and experiences for which we were really born. This is a technology which can raise your level of awareness as it transmutes old cellular memories, sources of blockages and raises the vibration of the soul through these encoders, which contain more than 14,000 codes. These specific channelled codes were inserted using combinations based on sounds, frequencies of elements and letters. Everything is vibration, carried in the body's energy to the quantum field, an octave higher. By activating the magnetic energy of the body or the Soul of Light, much higher than the power of the mind, the memory cell density increases in the space around the person, attracting only what is best for them.

P.M.T. is not a therapy, you have nothing to do during the session but sit comfortably in a chair and allow the process to take place. As PMTaccelerates your transformation you may feel sensations or see vivid thoughts, or you may simply fall a sleep, all are possible. In this work, neither the person nor the operator are tired by this process. Times, humanity and our planet are changing ever faster. This technology has been kindly offered to us by those with more advanced knowledge, to speed up our necessary transformation and advancement.


Download the transcription of Joel Ducatillon's Conference about PMT (PDF version)

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